The U.S. Air Force's Woke Instruction Sheet: Checking in on Our Armed Forces

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Key Highlights :

1. The text discusses the Atlantic article that features General Mark Milley, in which he is described as being "woke" and having "glamor photos";
2. The text discusses the idea that the military has gone "woke" and that this is something that liberals are celebrating;
3. The text discusses the Air Force giving lessons to airmen on how to properly put their pronouns in their signature, and how this is something that is seen as being politically correct;
4. The text discusses the idea that the military is not woke and that this is something that is damaging the military;
5. The text discusses the idea that General Mark Milley had his pronouns in his signature and how this is seen as being politically incorrect.

     The U.S. Air Force is giving lessons to airmen on how to properly put their pronouns in their email signatures. On Veterans Day, President Joe Biden gave a special shout-out to service members, and yet Gen. Mark Milley, who just recently retired, has insisted that the idea that the military had gone "woke" was absurd. But with the Air Force's new instruction sheet, it appears that the military is embracing the woke movement.

     The instruction sheet, which was obtained by Libs of TikTok, instructs airmen to include their pronouns in their email signatures. This is a stark contrast to the traditional focus of the military, which was on strength, strategy, and combat training. It appears that the woke movement has infiltrated the military, and this instruction sheet is proof of that.

     The instruction sheet is a sign of the Biden Administration's commitment to embracing the woke movement. Critical race and gender theory is now thoroughly embedded into every aspect of government, and this instruction sheet is further proof of this. The instruction sheet is a far cry from the traditional focus of the military, which was on strength, strategy, and combat training.

     The instruction sheet has been met with a lot of criticism from veterans and military personnel. Many veterans are appalled at the idea of bullying servicemen into including their pronouns in their signatures. They argue that the military should be focused on strength, strategy, and combat training, not on woke political gamesmanship.

     The instruction sheet is a sign that the Biden Administration is putting woke political gamesmanship first and our country last. The military should be focused on strength, strategy, and combat training, not on word games. This instruction sheet is a sign that the Biden Administration is destroying our military and putting our country at risk.

     It is clear that the U.S. Air Force's instruction sheet is a sign of the Biden Administration's commitment to embracing the woke movement. This instruction sheet should be a wake-up call to all Americans that the Biden Administration is putting woke political gamesmanship first and our country last. It is time for the Biden Administration to focus on strength, strategy, and combat training, not on word games.

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